Saturday, May 8, 2010

Race Day!

It's race day ladies and gents. I'll be leaving the house in 20 minutes and heading up to the zoo. I went to Fleet Foot Sports yesterday morning to pick up my race number (1276) and free Throo The Zoo t-shirt.

I read an article on Runner's World last night for people who are running their first 5K. It recommended that you line up at the very back where the atmosphere is relaxed and stay to the side where you can get out of the way and take walk breaks. Even though this is my first 5K, I'm not going to do either of those things. The runners out there all have different goals, so there's no shame in walking some (or all of it), but I really want to finish with a good time. I'm not going to line up in the very front because I don't want to get in the way of faster runners. If I did that I might be tempted to try and keep up which will just cause me to run out of fuel too soon. I'll try and line up somewhere in the middle of the pack and start off slow. Once some space is made between the runners I'll try and take a moderate pace until the end. If I have anything left in me I'll try and finish fast. We'll see how it goes. Amanda (my wife) will be there cheering me on. It is very sweet of her to wake up this early on a Saturday to support me (I love you baby).

On that note, the next time you hear from me I will have finished my first race. Until then...
"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face." -Gatorade Ad

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